如果大家打算移民到英國的蘇格蘭,就必須知道及了解一些蘇格蘭人常用的詞彙,或有關蘇格蘭的語言。蘇格蘭人好似香港人咁都有自己常用的語言。例如香港人平日會講的「好hea」、「貼地」、「屈機 」、「等到頸都長曬 」等等, 其他國家人的人黎到都未必會知道個意思。蘇格蘭都一樣,有自己的語言。當然,佢地見您唔係蘇格蘭人, 大部份都會用返正常英文同您溝通的。如果您同佢地發信息,或者見到佢地在facebook 留言,唔好以為佢地串錯字,佢地其實係用緊蘇格蘭的字黎覆留言。 

 例如Ma = my / dinnae = didn’t / Am = I’m /ah 等等!

英國蘇格蘭移民知識 – 9個蘇格蘭人常用字及句子 Scottish Words 的例子

1Ma bikes been chored and that’s shan and I dinnae have a scoobie where it is!

  • 詞語解釋: Ma = my / chored = stole / shan = poor or bad / dinnae have = didn’t have / scoobie = clue or idea
  • 整句英文翻譯:My bike been stolen and that’s poor. And I didn’t have a clue where it is. 我的單車被偷了,真可憐/真係慘。而且我不知道它在哪裡

2 “I haven’t got a scooter!”

  • 詞語解釋: scooter = idea/clue
  • 整句英文翻譯:I have no idea. 我不知道/沒有頭緒。

It’s a dreich day!

  • 詞語解釋: dreich = A miserable, cold, wet day in reference to the weather.
  • 整句英文翻譯:it’s a miserable, cold, wet day.

Am pure done in.

  • 詞語解釋: Am = I am / pure = pretty or quite / done in = tired.
  • 整句英文翻譯: I am pretty tired. 我都幾累下。

3That’s pure bogging.

  • 詞語解釋: bogging = Disgusting. / pure = quite
  • 整句英文翻譯: That is really quite disgusting.

4She was a bonny lass.

  • 詞語解釋: bonny lass = beautiful woman
  • 整句英文翻譯: She was a ‘beautiful woman’.

5It wiznae funny, ah wiz pure greeting.

  • 詞語解釋: wiznae = was not / ah = I / greeting = crying
  • 整句英文翻譯: It ‘was not’ funny, I was ‘crying’.

6Brian wiz so mad wae it last night

  • 詞語解釋: Mad Wae It = Drunk (醉) / wis | wus | wiz | wuz = was/were
  • 整句英文翻譯: Brian ‘was’ ‘so drunk’ last night.


7That scran Graham made us last night wiz a pure belter.

  • 詞語解釋: Scran – 食物 / pure belter – rather enjoyable.
  • 整句英文翻譯: The ‘food’ Graham made is last night was ‘rather enjoyable’.

