英國搵工知識 – 當您成功地用一份好的CV 及 Cover letter 在英國獲取面試機會時,心情當然會非常興奮。不過,要緊記,機會是留給有準備的人!所以建議大家在面試前花時間預備一下面試時將會可能遇到的問題,為面試做好準備,增加受聘的機會。

事實上, 面試是一門學問,因為您在面試時的表現可以很大程度地影響到僱主對您的印象,包括您的對答方式、對答時是否有條理、英文是否流暢、答問題時是否反映到您的條件能應付您所申請的職位等。


主編明白部份香港人來到英國會怕自己的英文唔好,也很怕自己在對答時不如理想。如果您有呢個想法,會建議您先將僱主常問的問題,在面試前諗定如何對答,嘗試自己用英文將您的答案說一篇,看看是否說得流暢。您亦可以考慮將問題及答案先打在Word 中,或電話的備忘錄程或,然後在面試前嘗試背一背,讓自己在面試時遇到相關的問題時也可以輕鬆自如地回答。同時,在這個預備過程中,您也可以有機會回顧一下之前工作的經驗、從以往工作中所學到的知識及技能、在工作上曾經遇過的問題及當時的應變方法等,從中知道如何將新申請的工作與已有的知識及技能連上關係,當面試真的問到相關問題時 ,您就可以更快地想到相關的例子,然後在面試時更有條理地表達出來。


英國搵工 — 常見的英國面試問題

在英國面試時,您很多時侯會發現僱主所問的問題可以說是非常多元化,而且大部份都係透過問題了解您如何解決問題、如何處理衝突 、如何確定任務的優先次序 、如何應付挑戰、如何處理人際關係、如何面對挫敗等。當您回答問題時,這些問題全部最好用不同的例子來表達。所以,在在面試前做好準備,寫低相關例子是非常重要的。當您在英國面試時,就可以更有信心地回答相關問題。當然,您也會有機會遇到一些比較有趣的問題,例如:如果您是一種動物/水果/品牌/物件/建築/藝術品,您會是什麼? 建議大家先諗定答案,讓自己更有條理地回答問題。如果您擔心自己唔識點回答僱主所問的面試問題,您可以利用這個177條常見英文面試問題及應答方法攻略來了解如何回答難度較高的問題,幫助您更有效地搵到理想的工作。



英國面試 — Behavioural Questions (有關行為的問題)

以下是在英國面試時,僱主有機會問您有關行為的問題,來看看你是否適合他們的公司。通常,這些問題開始為:「Tell me about a time when . . . (告訴我…當您什….. 時)」 或 「How would you handle a situation if . . . (如果……你會如何處理這種情況)」。他們想知道您的方法及您的處理方法是否可以應付到該工作的需要。例如:

  • Tell me about a time when you demonstrated leadership  (告訴我有關你表現出領導力的一次經歷)
  • Tell me about a time when you accomplished something you’re proud of  (說說你完成了引以為豪的事情的經歷)
  • Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult client (告訴我一個有關您處理一個難纏客戶的經歷)
  • Tell me about a time when you persuaded someone who didn’t agree with you  (告訴我一個有關您說服了不同意你意見的人的經歷)
  • Tell me about a time when you used data to make a decision  (告訴我一個有關您使用數據做出決定經歷)
  • Tell me about a time when you developed a creative solution to a problem (告訴我一個有關您為問題制定了創造性的解決方案的一次經歷)
  • Tell me about a decision you regret.  (告訴我一個你後悔的決定)
  • What’s your greatest strength?  (你最大的優勢是什麼?)
  • What’s your biggest weakness? (你最大的弱點是什麼?)

英國面試 — 有關您在工作上的創造力 (Creativity Questions)

僱主有機會透過以下問題了解有關您在工作上的創造力 (Creativity)

Tell me about a time when you demonstrated:

  • creativity  out-of-the-box thinking
  • an innovative approach

英國面試 — 有關您的團隊合作精神 (Collaboration Questions)

僱主有機會透過以下問題了解有關您在工作上的團隊合作精神 (Collaboration)

Tell me about a time when you demonstrated:

  • collaboration
  • interpersonal skills
  • ability to work with challenging people

英國面試 —  有關您在工作上的領導能力 (Leadership Skill)

僱主有機會透過以下問題了解有關您在工作上的領導能力 (Leadership)

Tell me about a time when you demonstrated:

  • leadership
  • persuasion
  • teamwork

英國面試 —  有關您工作上的分析技巧 (Analytical Skill)

僱主有機會透過以下問題了解有關您在工作上的分析技巧 (Analytical Skill)

Tell me about a time when you demonstrated:

  • analytical skills
  • an ability to solve complex problems
  • an ability to think strategically
  • an ability to use data to make a decision

英國面試 —  有關您在工作上的靈活性 (Flexibility)

僱主有機會透過以下問題了解有關您在工作上的靈活性 (Flexibility)

Tell me about a time when you demonstrated:

  • flexibility
  • an ability to prioritize
  • time management skills

英國面試 —  有關您在 工作上的耐力 (Persistence)

僱主有機會透過以下問題了解有關您在工作上的堅持性/耐力 (Persistence)

Tell me about a time when you demonstrated:

  • persistence
  • an ability to address a challenging situation
  • a willingness to go the extra mile
  • a strong work ethic

如何回答「你最大的優點是什麼 Your Greatest Strength 」的面試問題?



  • Accountant :attention to detail
  • Manager: ability to lead people
  • Salesperson: the ability to build strong relationships
  • Doctor: ability to diagnose and treat complex conditions

如何回答「你最大的弱點是什麼 Your Greatest Weakness」的面試問題?

僱主可能會透過問這個問題 「What is your greatest weakness?」,來了解您的自我意識。如果你說你沒有弱點,他們可能會認為你傲慢,難以共事。以下是應付此問題的一個例子。

假如您應徵的職位是Senior Sales Executive,主要是負責領導部門的銷售策略,確定招聘和培訓需求,並在有需要時改變部門的組織結構。您可以利用STAR來回答:

    “I’ve always been better at focusing on the big picture than on details. When I started my career as a sales representative, that issue created challenges for me.”
  2. TASK:
    “For example, I was assigned to sell our complex line of smart home products to a major retailer, and they wanted exclusive pricing deals for every item we sold them.”  
  3. ACTION:
    “I tried to manage the complex details of their pricing plan, and it was difficult for me to get every detail right. Therefore, I learned to seek help from the finance  department, and they shown me how to deal with the transactions and figures that required detailed attention.”
  4. RESULTS: 
    “Through that experience, I’ve learned to build relationships with people who are strong in areas where I’m not. My colleagues in the finance department valued my ability to build customer relationships and develop effective sales strategies, and I valued their ability to focus on the details. As a result, my team has led our company in sales for the past three years.”

由於Senior Sales Executive此職位很少參與在細節的工作上,主要是制定整體計劃,並不要求他們是一個非常注重每個細節的人。所以在面試時說自己「focusing on the big picture」是挺好的。然而,他們需要認識到自己的弱點並懂得如何改善,令該計劃透過團隊合作做得更出色及理想。



在英國面試時,您有機會會被問到 「If you were  ___________ what would you be? 如果你是…你會是什麼?」的問題。例如

  • Animal 動物:      _____________________________
  • Plant 植物:      _____________________________
  • Type of car 汽車類型:      _____________________________
  • Famous person 名人:      _____________________________
  • Piece of furniture 一件家具:      _____________________________
  • Type of food 食物類型:      _____________________________
  • Type of beverage 飲料類型:      _____________________________


假如僱主問 「If you were an animal, what would you be? 如果你是一隻動物,你會是什麼?」。您可以選擇一種與您應徵工作有相關特質的動物來形容自已及回答問題。

  • 松鼠 Squirrel: 善於為未來做準備 (good at preparing for the future)
  • 德國牧羊犬 German Shepard – 保護和忠誠 (protective and loyal.)。
  • 隼Hawk 隼 能夠從高層次看待事物以了解全局,並在發現機會時更接近 (able to look at things from a high level to get a view of the big picture and get closer when it identifies the opportunity.)


  • If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would you choose? 如果可以和歷史上的任何人共進晚餐,你會選擇誰?
  • 此問題可以了解您是否一直在擴展您在該職業領域的知識 – to show you’re always  looking to expand your knowledge in your career field.



  • What was your most embarrassing moment? 你最尷尬的一個經歷是什麼?
  • 此問題可以讓您有機會講述您在該經歷中學到的東西 – an opportunity to tell about an important lesson that you learned.


  • What’s your most favourite book or movie? 你最喜歡的書或電影是什麼?
  • 看看您是否可以將個人興趣與您想要的工作聯繫起來- to see if a candidate can connect a personal interest to the job they want.


  • Who inspires you the most? 誰給了你最大的靈感?
  • 此問題可以了解你的性格和價值觀 – reveals much about your character and values.


  • Sales Jobs: “Persuade me to buy this pen from you.”
  • Analytical Jobs: How many golf balls could fit in this room?”
  • Logistics Jobs: “What would you do if a natural disaster wiped out your only distribution road?”
  • Marketing Jobs: “What is your favorite marketing campaign, and why?”
  • General Manager: “If I asked you to open a new business, how would you approach that?”
  • Medical Jobs:“If you had a patient who was crashing, what would you do?”
  • What’s your favorite advertising campaign? (Marketing industry)
  • What’s your favorite power tool? (Construction industry)
  • What’s your favorite teaching technique (Teaching industry)
  •  If I hired you to open a new business, how would you approach that?”
  • Your company’s sales are declining. How would you address the issue?
  • If I gave you £100, what could you do to double it in the next four hours?
  • If you were an animal, what would you be? – pick an animal with characteristics that are relevant for the job you want.

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