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    BNO Visa 移民最新消息 - 申請要求、財政證明、移民路線

    (2021年1月31日首發佈 – 26/2/2022 12:50 更新) 
    記得關注此頁 – 
    https://hkukhub.com/bno-visa-application/- 知道更多有關提交BNO VISA証明文件的資訊。特別留意新增的英國簽證的常用詞彙、問題及回答指引內容、伴侶關係証明及住址証明。

    英國政府官員Kevin Foster於2022年2月24日在政府網站發佈一篇文章,提及一項將會最快在2022年10月加入的放寬要求。現行的申請要求只容許沒有持BNO護照的人士以受養人身份(Dependent)與BNO護照持有人同時間一起申請,但英國政府考慮到公平原則,現宣佈最快在2022年10月起,容許在1997 年 7 月 1 日或以後出生、沒有 BNO護照、年滿 18 歲、且父母其中一方是持有BNO護照的香港人,獨立申請 BNO Visa。

    簡單來說,如果BNO護照持有人沒有計劃申請BNO Visa移民到英國,其18歲或以上或在1997 年 7 月 1 日或以後出生的子女可自行申請BNO Visa。您可以按此前往查看有關英國政府將最快於2022年10月放寬BNO Visa的申請要求的中文內容英文詳情可查看此政府網站。HKUKHub在政府公布有關此放寬規定的詳情及申請方法後,會在此頁為大家更新有關資訊!感謝大家的支持!

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    The Hong Kong British National (Overseas) routes 移民路線

    英國政府於2021年1月29日刊登新文章,內容講及The Hong Kong British National (Overseas) routes (簡稱BNO Visa) 提供兩條移民路線,分別是:

    • BN(O)身份持有人路線 (the BN(O) Status Holder route) 和
    • BN(O)家庭成員路線 (the BN(O) Household Member route)。
    BN(O)公民及其家屬必須遵守英國法律。如果您在英國被判刑事罪,將被遣送出境。(BN(O) citizens and their dependants will be expected to comply with UK laws. Anyone convicted of a criminal offence in the UK will be liable for removal.)

    誰可以申請BNO Visa?

    任何擁有 BN(O)身份並通常居住在香港的人都可以申請香港BN(O)簽證。申請人不需要有效的 BN(O)護照來證明自己的資格,如果您的BNO 護照過期或丟失,也無需申請新護照來申請BNO Visa。

    當您用BNO Visa入境英國時,您需要有效的旅行證件,包括可以使用有效的香港特別行政區(HKSAR)護照或EEA護照。


    • 配偶,民事伴侶或未婚伴侶 (a spouse, civil partner or unmarried partner)
    • 兒童(18歲以下) children (under the age of 18)
    • 1997年7月1日或之後出生的成年子女(及其配偶,或18歲以下的子女)(adult children born on or after 1 July 1997, and their spouse, or child under the age of 18)
    • 需要高度依賴的其他家庭成員(父母,祖父母,兄弟,姐妹,兒子或女兒)- other family members (parents, grandparents, brother, sister, son or daughter) in exceptional circumstances where there is a high level of dependency

    如果您有18歲以下的兒童一同申請BNO Visa,除非有合理理由,否則18歲以下的兒童必須在到達英國後與父母住在一起。

    BNO Visa 沒有限制與BN(O)身份持有人共同申請的家庭成員人數。(There will be no quota on numbers.)

    BNO Visa 申請方法

    BNO Visa 申請的指南網址: https://www.gov.uk/british-national-overseas-bno-visa

    香港申請BNO Visa 的直接連結: 按此前往

    英國境內申請BNO Visa 的直接連結: 按此前往

    BN(O)持有人及其家屬必須在gov.uk網站上以指定表格在線申請或由2月23日起透過手機軟件申請BNO Visa。申請人及其家屬:

    1. 可以在1月31日起在gov.uk網站網上申請,且在申請時預約時間到香港的Visa Application Centre (VAC) 或英國的UKVCAS辦理手續,提供生物特徵資料,或


    2. 如果您擁有BN(O)護照、香港特別行政區護照或EEA Biometric護照,則可以從2021年2月23日透過UK Immigration: ID Check app 正式加入BNO Visa申請服務時,使用該手機apps申請。您將能夠使用該手機應用程序,申請和上傳您的文件,並在線獲取您的移民身份以立即使用(for immediate use)。當您使用手機apps申請BNO Visa時,您可以通過該軟件提交您的 Fingerprint biometric及 Facial Biometric。這也代表您不用前往簽證中心辦理相關的手續。


    • 若您是使用第一個方式,到香港或英國的簽證中心提供生物特徵資料來完成申請,在申請獲得批准後,您的護照會貼有簽證貼紙 (vignette /visa sticker),您需要在到達英國後收取您 Biometric residence permit (BRP) 。
    • 若您是使用第二個方式,透過UK Immigration: ID Check app 申請BNO Visa,在申請獲得批准後,您的護照上不會有簽證貼紙 (vignette /visa sticker),到達英國後也無需領取 Biometric residence permit (BRP) 。您會獲得電子化的Immigration Status Document,並可隨時網上查詢簽證內容。

    另外,根據英國政府 Media factsheet: Hong Kong BN(O) Visa route的文章:

    • From 31 January, those eligible can apply online and will need to book an appointment to attend a visa application centre (VAC) overseas or UK Visa & Citizenship Application service (UKVCAS) in the UK to provide their fingerprints.
    • From 23 February, those eligible can apply online and use the “UK Immigration: ID Check” smartphone app for iPhone or Android to scan their biometric passport instead of attending a visa application centre.
    • Applicants will be required to prove BN(O) status. Where a BN(O) passport has been lost or expired, eligibility checks can be made using historical records held by Her Majesty’s Passport Office.
    • Applicants will need to hold a valid tuberculosis test certificate from a clinic approved by the Home Office.

    詳情查看 Immigration Rules Appendix Hong Kong British National (Overseas)網站 :


    BNO Biometric


    香港 – North Point  VFS Global Services HongKong Pvt Ltd.

    • 地址: 香港北角電氣道169號 理文商業中心 6樓B&E室。
    • 辦公時間 : 星期一至五 (09:00 – 19:00) | 星期六 (07:00 – 13:00)
    • 領取護照: 星期一至五 (07:00 – 09:00)

    香港鰂魚涌 – VFS Global Services HongKong Pvt Ltd.

    • 地址: 香港鰂魚涌英皇道663號泓富產業千禧廣場12樓03-05室
    • 辦公時間 : 星期一至五 (09:00 – 19:00) | 星期六 (07:00 – 13:00)
    • 打印出確認預約詳情的電子郵件 – 收到來自VFS Global。
    • 有效的護照或旅行證件 – 至少有一頁是雙面空白的。
    • 打印完成簽證申請表的首頁或審核清單 。
    • 所有證明文件 – 簽證申請相關文件之重要訊息 – 詳情請見此
    • 網址: 按此前往 


    如果您是在英國境內申請簽證,您可以到英國的UKVCAS (UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services ) 進行生物辨識及提交文件。Core Services Points 提供免費的預約時段。

    以下是UKVCAS Core Service Point (2021年2月3日更新):

    • Belfast:  Core Service Point – Sopra Steria, 1st Floor, Capital House, 3 Upper Queen Street, Belfast
    • Birmingham – Her Majesty’s Passport Office Core Service Point – 42 Bull Street, Birmingham
    • Birmingham: Birmingham(New) Core Service Point – Crossway, 156 Great Charles Street, Queensway, Birmingham
    • Cardiff : Cardiff Bay (Temporary Core) Core Service Point, Regus, 3rd Floor (Room 308), Falcon Way, Cardiff Bay
      South Glamorgan
    • Manchester : Fountain Street Core Service Point – Barnett House, 53 Fountain Street , Manchester, M2 2AN
    • Croydon: Croydon Core Service Point  – Bedford Point, 35 Dingwall Road, Croydon, CR9 2EF
    • Croydon: Lansdowne Road Core Service Point – The Lansdowne Building, No 2 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Greater London, CR9 2ER
    • Glasgow  – Core Service Point, Suite 102/103, The Pentagon Centre, Washington Street, Glasgow, G3 8AZ
    • London – Her Majesty’s Passport Office Core Service Point: Globe House, 89 Eccleston Square, Pimlico, London
    您也可以使用UKVCAS Enhanced Service Points,它們會提供Digitisation及Biometric Capture服務。


    UKVCAS : https://www.ukvcas.co.uk/home-internal

    UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services: https://www.gov.uk/ukvcas

    UKVCAS Centres – Where Are They Located? : https://www.davidsonmorris.com/ukvcas-centres/

    Service Point Status – Temporarily closed Service Points:


    • 您必須於簽證預約時間赴約。您不能找別人代替您。
    • 至少提前15分鐘到達
    • 攜帶您完整的文件審核清單。 請提供並列印您簽證申請表格的首頁以及至少有1頁雙面空白頁的有效護照或旅行證件。
    • 在中心裡,您需要提交您的指紋和照片。稱為生物辨識資料收集。數碼式指紋掃描儀會收集所有10隻手指的指紋,您並須拍攝數碼照片。數碼式指紋掃描儀不使用墨水、液體或化學品,不會弄污您的皮膚。
    • 您的數碼照片必須拍攝整個臉孔,不得佩戴太陽眼鏡或有色眼鏡,或頭套,除非因宗教或醫療原因而佩戴。您的臉孔應該清晰可見,並且沒有頭髮遮蔽眼睛。
    • 確保您的指尖沒有任何形式的裝飾、切割、擦傷或其他標記,因為這些可能會令指紋掃描不被接受。
    • 18歲以下的兒童須由成人陪同。




    • 簽證申請人;
    • 負責成人,如果申請人是兒童
    • 護理人員,如果申請人是殘障人士;以及
    • 翻譯者,如果申請人有聽力障礙。


    • 所有電池供電或電子產品,如照相機、音頻/視頻磁帶、光碟、MP3等、手


    • 所有手袋,諸如旅行包、背囊、公文包、手提箱、皮具、黃麻或布袋和帶


    • 封閉的信封或包裹。
    • 任何易燃品,諸如火柴盒/ 火機/汽油等等。
    • 任何鋒利物品,諸如剪刀、鉛筆刀或指甲銼刀。
    • 武器或類似武器的物品或任何類型的爆炸品。











    BNO Visa申請費 

    每位申請人: £180 – 30 個月 或£250 -5年

    您必須在申請BNO VISA時網上繳交BNO Visa費用。

    Immigration Health Surcharge 費用

    當您在申請簽證時繳交Immigration Health Surcharge後,您即可享用NHS Service 。

    – 每位成人:
    – £1,560 (如果您是申請30個月的BNO Visa)
    – £3,120 (如果您是申請5年的BNO Visa)

    – 每位18歲以下的小童:

    – £1,175 (如果您是申請30個月的BNO Visa)

    – £2,350 (如果您是申請5年的BNO Visa)

    您必須在申請BNO VISA時網上繳交IHS費用。


    • 若您是使用第一個方式,到香港或英國的簽證中心提供生物特徵資料來完成申請,在申請獲得批准後,您必須在90天內使用BNO簽證入境英國。
    • 若您是使用第二個方式,透過UK Immigration: ID Check app 申請BNO Visa,在申請獲得批准後,沒有規定您的入境限期。您可以決定什麼時候才用該簽證入境英國。

    BNO Visa 到期日

    根據HK 9.1. 申請人將被授予以下的期數: 

    • 五年 – a period of 5 years, where the applicant has applied for a period of 5 years; 或
    • 30 個月 – a period of 30 months, where the applicant has applied for a period of 30 months.

    根據HK 9.2. The permission will be granted subject to the following conditions:

    • (a) no access to public funds; and
    • (b) work (including self-employment and voluntary work) permitted except for employment as a professional sportsperson (including as a sports coach); and
    • (c) study is permitted, subject to the ATAS condition in Appendix ATAS.

      網址: Immigration Rules Appendix ATAS: Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS): 按此前往


    如果您以BN(O)家庭成員路線申請,您的BNO Visa的到期日會與BNO持有人的到期日相同。

    For those who does not have permission on the BN(O) Status Holder route on the date of application, will be granted permission which ends on the same date as the permission of the BN(O) Status Holder who made their application at the same time as the applicant and who is being granted permission。

    什麼是「通常居住 」/Ordinary Residence?


    任何人如果是合法、自願和以定居為目的而在香港居住(例如讀書、工作或居留等),不論時間長短,他/她會被視為通常居住在香港。如果 他/她只是暫時不在香港,仍會被視為是通常居住在香港。


    • 不在香港的原因、期間及次數;
    • 是否在香港有慣常住所;
    • 是否受僱於以香港為基地的公司;及
    • 其主要家庭成員(配偶及未成年子女)的所在地。


    • 該人在香港的任何時間內:
      • 以非法方式入境,其後不論是否得到入境事務處處長授權而留在香港;或
      • 在違反任何逗留條件的情況下留在香港;或
      • 以難民身份留在香港,或被羈留在香港以等候甄別難民身份或遣離香港;或
      • 在政府輸入僱員計劃下受僱為外來合約工人而留在香港;或
      • 受僱為外來家庭傭工(指來自香港以外地方者)而留在香港;或
      • 以《領事關係條例》所指的領館人員身份留在香港;或
      • 以香港駐軍成員身份留在香港;或
      • 以訂明的中央人民政府旅行證件持有人身份留在香港;


    香港入境事務處網站中文版: 按此前往

    香港入境事務處網站英文版: 按此前往 


    根據Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Visa policy statement ,申請人無需申請或持有有效的BN(O)護照入境英國,成功的申請人將能夠使用有效的香港特別行政區護照旅行及入境。但是,您應保留有效或過期的BN(O)護照並隨申請一起提交,以證明您具有BN(O)身份。如果丟失了BN(O)護照,可以使用historical records held by Her Majesty’s Passport Office進行資格檢查。

    英文原文: There will be no requirement for applicants to apply for or hold a valid BN(O) passport and successful applicants will be able to travel on a valid Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport. However, valid or expired BN(O) passports should be kept and submitted with an application as evidence of BN(O) status. Where a BN(O) passport has been lost, eligibility checks can be made using historical records held by Her Majesty’s Passport Office.

    我可以在什麼地方申請BNO Visa?

    根據Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Visa policy statement ,您可以在香港、英國境內或其他地方網上申請BNO Visa。

    英文原文: Applications for the Hong Kong BN(O) Visa can be made from Hong Kong, from within the UK or elsewhere.

    我需要提供生物特徵 Biometric data 嗎?

    根據Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Visa policy statement ,所有申請人都必須提供生物特徵數據 (biometric data)。 BN(O)公民將不需要提交指紋生物特徵 (fingerprint biometrics),但需在申請過程中提供面部生物特徵 (facial biometrics )。BN(O)公民的受養人本身不是BN(O)公民,他們需要在申請過程中提供指紋生物特徵及面部生物特徵。

    英文原文: All applicants will be required to provide biometric data. BN(O) citizens will not be required to submit fingerprint biometrics and will simply have to provide facial biometrics as part of the application process. Dependants of BN(O) citizens who are not BN(O) citizens themselves will need to give their fingerprints as part of the application process.

    如何與家人一起申請 How to apply with your family


    您的家庭成員必須與您同時申請。在您獲得簽證申請的決定後,他們將無法申請提交申請。您 (BNO 持有人) 需要先提交申請。提交後,您的家人應在同一天提出申請。他們需要在他們的申請中使用您的申請號碼(application number)。這稱為Global Web Form (GWF) or 或 Unique Application Number (UAN)。


    BNO Visa頁: 申請時需提交的証明文件





    • 您在香港、英國海峽群島或馬恩島擁有永久性居所 (that you have a permanent home in Hong Kong, the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man)
    • 你有足夠的錢養活自己和家人 (that you have enough money to support yourself and your family) 
    • 與家人的關係 (your relationship with family members)
    • 您的肺結核(TB)測試證書 (tuberculosis  (TB) test certificate)


    了解更多有關英文翻譯文件的規定: Certifying a document

    申請時需提交的証明文件 - TB Test證明

    1. 根據第A39段和附錄T (Appendix T ),申請人須提供有效的TB Test證明,以確認他們已通過標準的結核病測試,且胸肺X光檢查正常及無需接受結核病調查,並且該身上不帶有結核病。申請人須於提交英國簽證申請時同時提交此證書。該結核病測試必須在申請之日前的6個月內由認可中心發出。

    • Appendix T: 按此前往 
    • 中文版結核病測試: 按此前往
    • TB test必須在英國政府指定的香港或英國應可的醫護診所做。如在英國申請BNO visa,根據英國政府在2021年1月21日的最新更新 ,您可以使用在香港做的有效TB test在英國境內申請BNO Visa時上載使用。

      – 香港 TB Test 診所: 按此前往

      – 英國TB Test 診所: 按此前往

    2. 申請人必須是在 Hong Kong (British Nationality) Order 1986 下的British National (Overseas)

    3. 如果申請人是申請入境許可 (entry clearance),申請人在申請之日必須是香港的常住居民 (ordinarily resident in Hong Kong )。

    4. 如果申請人是申請居留許可 (applying for permission to stay),申請人必須必須在申請之日常住在在英國,The Bailiwick of Guernsey, Bailiwick of Jersey, the Isle of Man 或香港。

    5. 申請Entry Clearance的申請人在申請日必須是香港的常住居民。 An applicant applying for entry clearance must be ordinarily resident in Hong Kong at the date of application.

    申請時需提交的証明文件 - 住址證明(Proof of your permanent home address)


    • 租金或按揭付款記錄 (records of rent or mortgage payments)
    • 水費賬單、煤氣費、電費、電話費、排污費等帳單 (household or utility bills)
    • 簽證,居留許可或其他移民文件(或彩色複印件)(a visa, residence permit or other immigration documents (or a colour photocopy)
    • 工資單 (payslips)
    • 雇主來信確認您的工作的文件 (a letter from an employer confirming your employment) 
    • 您的家庭成員(“受養者”)需要提供證據,證明其永久地址與您的住所相同。

    除了以上的地址証明例子外,參考在香港申請BNO的住址証明要求 (按此前往),相信您也可以使用以下文件作為地址証明:

    • 您的雇主寄給您的信件
    • 醫療卡
    • 當地議會或政府部門寄給您的信件
    • 選民卡
    • 簽證或居留許可(彩色影印件亦可)
    • 教育記錄,如學校報告
    • 移民文件



    申請時需提交的証明文件 - 財政證明

    申請人的財政要求 (6.1 - 6.5)

    1.  如果申請人在申請居留許可 (applying for permission to stay) 的申請之日時,已在英國居住了12個月或更長時間,他們將符合財務要求。
    2. 如果申請人正在申請入境許可(entry clearance),或者正在申請居留許可 (applying for permission to stay) ,並且在申請之日在英國居住時間不足12個月,
    3. 申請人必須充分地提供相關的財政要求,顯示他們可以有足夠的資金在不使用公共資金(public funds)的情況下,有足夠金錢維持最少6個月的生活及住宿開支 (6 months living cost + 6 months council tax (好有) + 6 months rent)。
    4. 申請人的居住環境不得overcrowded及不得違反公共衛生規定。有關英國的Overcrowded條例,可查看此文章:按此前往 
    5. 申請人可以依靠第三方支持和可靠承諾來提供相關的財政證明。
    6. 資金必須按照附錄財務 (Appendix Finance) 中的規定作為申請的證明。

    BNO Visa 申請的財政證明例子



    • 銀行或儲蓄賬戶對帳單 bank or savings account statements
    • 工資單 payslips
    • 自僱收入證明 proof of income from self-employment
    • 出租物業收入證明 proof of income from rental property
    • 如果您的財政將會由朋友或家人支持,您必須提供由他們寫的信件及證據(例如銀行對帳單或工資單),證明他們有錢來支持您和您的家人在英國的生活  — a letter from friends or family with evidence (such as bank statements or payslips) that they have the money to support you and your family
    • 如果您在英國將會住在朋友或家人的家中,您必須提供他們提供住宿的確認信 — a letter confirming an offer of accommodation from friends or family
    • 租賃或按揭協議 — a tenancy or mortgage agreement

    除非您與會轉職到現任雇主的英國公司,否則An offer of work 通常不會被視為證據。


    什麼是Appendix Finance?

    1. 如果貨幣以一種或多種外幣持有,則將使用在申請日期在www.oanda.com上顯示的匯率為準。英國會將將外幣轉換為英鎊(£)作為確認。
    2. 財務証明不可使用戶口的透支額。(Overdraft facilities will not be counted towards meeting financial requirements.)
    3. 有關可用作財務要求的金融機構的證明,申請人必須確保:
      — 決策者可以對該金融機構進行滿意的驗證檢查;該金融機構必須受在經營的所在國家,有適當監管機構的監管;該金融機構必須提供電子記錄保存。
    4. 該資金的來源是申請人獲得合法地賺取或獲取的。
    5. 財務證明的日期必須在申請日期之前的31天內發出的。
    6. 持有資金的時間長度將通過從最近期財務證據中的期末餘額日期開始算起來計算。(The length of time for which funds are held will be calculated by counting back from the date of the closing balance on the most recently dated piece of financial evidence.)
    7. 申請人所提供的財務證據必須涵蓋必須持有資金的整個時間段。(The financial evidence provided must cover the whole period of time for which the funds must be held.)
    8. 戶口持用人:
      – the account is in the name of the applicant’s partner who is applying for entry clearance or permission to stay at the same time or has been granted permission
      – the requirements for the route under which the applicant is applying state that an account in the name of a third party may be relied upon and the account is in the name of that third party.
      – The applicant, or account holder must have control of the funds.
    9. 戶口資金證明 Accounts

      – Funds may be held in any form of personal bank or building society account (including current, deposit, savings, pension from which the funds can be withdrawn or investment account) provided the account allows the funds to be accessed immediately.

      – Funds held in other accounts or financial instruments such as shares, bonds, credit cards, pensions from which the funds cannot be withdrawn immediately, regardless of notice period, will not be accepted as evidence of funds.

    10. Appendix Finance 網址: 按此前往 

    BNO Visa 財政證明計算方式 (1月31日出版文件)

    當您申請BNO Visa時, 您需要証明兩點:

    • 第一,您有足夠的金錢來支付您的住屋支出(包括六個月的租金及Council Tax費用),以維持您自己和家人六個月的生活 ;或

      會賺到足夠的錢來支付您的住屋支出(包括六個月的租金及Council Tax費用),以維持您自己和家人6個月的生活


      — 您的收入和儲蓄以及您家人的收入和儲蓄 (your income and savings as well as your family member’s)
      — 家人或朋友的幫助 (an offer of help from family or friends)


    • 第二,您必須有可供6個月使用的生活費,來應付生活上的支出。以下是根據家庭人數的大概生活費支出預算:

      — £2,000 for a single adult
      — £3,100 for a couple with a child
      — £4,600 for a couple with 3 children
      — £9,200 for a couple, 2 parents and 2 adult children

    • 簡單來說,財政証明需要顯示出您有足夠的資金應付六個月的生活開支、租金及Council Tax 費用。您可以使用Home Office的Financial Requirement 文件,第22至23頁的數學算式 [A – B ≥ C (A minus B is greater than or equal to C ) ]來計算所需的資金。

    另外,英國Home Office 在1月31日更新了「Financial requirement 」文件 (可按此前往),主要是更新了The financial requirement for Short Term Student, Representative of an Overseas Business, UK Ancestry and Hong Kong British National (Overseas) applicants的內容。您可以透過此文件,找到相關的財政要求。主要的BNO visa財政證明內容第20頁看起,基本上第20頁至46頁的資料都要熟讀下,確保自己提交要求的文件。

    根據文件內容,以下是政府要求的每週 weekly payment來滿足Adequate maintenance and accommodation的條件。Weekly payment是根據Family size來訂立。您需要在提交財政證明時,在列表中要求的最少每週生活費的要求中,計埋或加埋6個月housing cost (rent + Council tax) 的數目在上面,以找出您所需要提供的財政數目證明。

    BNO visa要求持有6個月的生活費用及住宿費用證明,6 個月2 =26.08875 週,即是最少要預備27週的生活費用及及住宿費用證財政證明

    bno visa - Adequate maintenance and accommodation
    apply bno visa - electronic record

    可接受的財政證明 Acceptable types of funds

    根據英國Home Office 在1月31日更新的「Financial requirement 」文件,第35頁指出:

    For funds to be acceptable unless funds will be available as a student loan or official sponsorships for Students, all the following must be met:

    • held in a financial institution that uses electronic record keeping, which is regulated by the appropriate regulatory body for the country it is operating in and where UKVI can make satisfactory verification checks
    • held in an account belonging to the applicant or their partner (who is applying for permission at the same time or has been granted permission):

      – for dependent children, Child Students and Students the funds may alternatively be held by a parent or legal guardian

      – for Child Students the funds may alternatively be held by a close relative or private foster carer who is, or would be, caring for them

      –  for routes which allow third party support, the funds may alternatively be in the name of that third party

    • held in a personal bank or building society account (including current, deposit, savings, pensions from which the funds can be withdrawn, or an investment account) provided the funds can be accessed immediately



    不被接受的財政證明 Unacceptable types of funds

    根據英國Home Office 在1月31日更新的「Financial requirement 」文件,第35頁指出:

    Funds are not acceptable if any of the following apply:

    • the applicant is relying on an overdraft
    • the funds are held in a financial institution that does not keep electronic records, that is not regulated by the appropriate regulatory body for the country in which it is based, or where the decision maker cannot make verification
    •  if earned or acquired in the UK, they were not acquired lawfully or were acquired while an applicant was in breach of conditions of their permission or was in the UK without permission
    • where they are held in an account of a person not specified under FIN 5.1
    • the account holder does not have control over the funds
    •  the applicant is relying on promises of third-party support, except:
      – for student and child students, funds from parents where they have agreed to provide support to the Student / Child Student, student loans and official financial sponsorship
      – for UK Ancestry migrants and Hong Kong BN(O) applicants, relying on promises of support from third parties such as friends or relatives
    • they are held in a type of account (including pension funds) where the funds cannot be accessed immediately, or financial instruments such as shares, bonds, credit cards

    BNO VISA 財政證明文件 - 財務機構 Financial Institution

    apply bno visa - financial institution

    申請時需提交的証明文件 - 您與家人或伴侶的關係證明



    • 結婚證書或民事伴侶證書的副本 (a copy of a marriage or civil partnership certificate)
    • 兒童的出生證明/出世紙或領養證明 (a birth certificate or adoption certificate for children)
    • 證明其永久地址與您的住所相同 (evidence that their permanent home address is the same as yours)
    • a court or government issued document naming the applicant’s legal guardian or establishing the sole responsibility of one parent*
    • utility bills,
    • tenancy agreements,
    • bank statements,
    • medical letters,
    • employment documents,
    •  general forms of local and national government department letters.


    • General photos of your relationship. This is photos of you as a couple in a social setting such as visiting a restaurant, a walk in the park, various “selfies” with each other and photos with family and friends.
    • Marriage / Wedding day photos. These are photos of you both signing the marriage registry book at your civil wedding.
    • Other photos can be inside the venue with family / friends and even outside of the venue.  
    此外,這網站也提到可以提供以下的証據 — Suitable evidence to show a genuine and subsisting relationship:
    • records of holidays taken together;
      evidence of any joint financial commitments
    • evidence that the couple have kept in touch whilst apart
    • evidence of any joint financial commitments;
    • any other formal documents linking the couple (invoices, memberships etc.).


    根據BNO Visa的申請要求,政府可根據 Part 9: grounds for refusal 拒絕申請人的申請。

    Part 9: grounds for refusal 包括:

    • Exclusion or deportation order grounds
    • Non-conducive grounds
    • Criminality grounds
    • Exclusion from asylum or humanitarian protection grounds
    •  Involvement in a sham marriage or sham civil partnership grounds
    • False representations, etc. grounds
    • Previous breach of immigration laws grounds
    •  Failure to provide required information, etc grounds
    •  Admissibility to the Common Travel Area or other countries grounds
    • Debt to the NHS grounds
    •  Unpaid litigation costs grounds
    •  Purpose not covered by the Immigration Rules grounds
    • No entry clearance grounds
    •  Failure to produce recognised passport or travel document grounds
    • Medical grounds
    • Consent for a child to travel grounds
    • Returning residents grounds
    • Customs breaches grounds
    • Change of circumstances or purpose grounds
    • Rough sleeping in the UK
    •  Crew members
    • Ceasing to meet requirement of rules
    •  Dependent grounds
    •  Withdrawal of sponsorship or endorsement grounds
    •  Student does not start course or ceases to study (適用於其他Visa類型的申請)
    •  Worker does not start work or ceases their employment (適用於其他Visa類型的申請)
    •  Sponsor loses licence or transfers business (適用於其他Visa類型的申請)
    •  Change of employer (適用於其他Visa類型的申請)
    • Absence from employment (適用於其他Visa類型的申請)
    •  Change of job or lower salary rate (適用於其他Visa類型的申請)
    • Endorsing body no longer approved (適用於其他Visa類型的申請)

    詳情可看: 按此前往 

    如果決策者認為申請人滿足BNO Visa的申請要求,則將批准該申請,否則將拒絕該申請。


    • 如果申請被拒絕,該申請人人可以使用在 Appendix AR: Administrative Review 下的Administrative Review申請上訢。
    • Immigration Rules Appendix AR: administrative review 網址: 按此前往

    英國Overcrowding Law 知識

    BNO Visa 的其中一個要求是您不能住在overcrowded 的屋中。您可以按此了解英國Overcrowding Law 知識 – 英國租屋買樓法例。

    路線一: BN(O)身份持有人路線 The BN(O) Status Holder route (1.1 — 9.1 重點)

    (a)必須已支付任何費用和移民健康費 IHS (any fee and Immigration Health Charge must have been paid);和
    (b)申請人必須提供任何必需的生物特徵 (the applicant must have provided any required biometrics);和
    (c)申請人必須提供令人滿意且可確定其身份和國籍的護照或其他旅行證件 (the applicant must have provided a passport or other travel document which satisfactorily established their identity and nationality.)。


    根據 Media factsheet:  Hong Kong BN(O) Visa route , Individuals do not need a renewed BN(O) passport to apply for the Hong Kong BN(O) Visa route.


    路線二: BN(O)家庭成員路線 The BN(O) Household Member route (10.1 - 54.3)

    BN(O) Household Member route 是給予 Dependants of BN(O) Household Members的移民路線,包括:

    • Dependent partner or dependent child on the BN(O) Household Member route
      – Adult Dependent Relative of a BN(O) Status Holder

    • Children of eligibly BN(O) status holders will be able attend school if they are under 18.
    • Children of eligibly BN(O) status holders will be able  attend education and training if they are aged 16 to 19

    五年後的路線: Settlement on the Hong Kong BN(O) route - 重點

    The Hong Kong BN(O) Visa route will give BN(O) status holders the choice to apply for up to five years’ leave to remain with the right to work or study. After these five years, they have the choice to apply for settlement (also known as indefinite leave to remain) and after a further 12 months, they will be able to apply for citizenship.

    使用BNO VISA申請五年後的定居必須滿足以下所有要求:

    (a) 必須已支付所有的費用 any fee must have been paid; and
    (b) 申請人已經提供必需的生物特徵 the applicant must have provided any required biometrics; and
    (c) 申請人必須提供令人滿意且可確定其身份和國籍的護照或其他旅行證件the applicant must have provided a passport or other travel document which satisfactorily establishes their identity and nationality;
    (d) 申請人必須在申請時已獲得BNO Visa – the applicant must have, or have last had, permission on the Hong Kong BN(O) route; and
    (e) 申請人必須在英國 the applicant must be in the UK.

    • 根據61.1.,如果申請人在申請之日年滿18歲且未滿65歲,則必須符合附錄Appendix KOL UK中指定的「Knowledge of Life in the UK 」的要求。

      網址: Immigration Rules Appendix KOL UK: 按此前往  

    • 根據62.1.,申請人必須在英國連續居住5年,且最近授予的visa 必須是BNO Visa Route。
    • 根據63.1,申請人必須滿足附錄「Appendix Continuous Residence」中指定的連續居住要求。 (The applicant must meet the continuous residence requirement as specified in Appendix Continuous Residence.)
      網址: 按此前往 

    根據政府「Apply for citizenship if you have indefinite leave to remain or ‘settled status’」頁面,英國政府的居住要求 (Residency requirements)

    • You must have lived in the UK for at least 5 years before the date of your application.
    • You cannot include any time spent in the UK when you’re exempt from immigration control as a:  diplomat, member of a diplomat’s staff or household, member of visiting armed forces


    Time you’ve spent outside the UK


    • 在您提出申請之前的5年中,在英國境外度過了450天以上 spent more than 450 days outside the UK during the 5 years before your application
    • 在過去的12個月裡在英國以外的地方度過了90天以上 spent more than 90 days outside the UK in the last 12 months
    • 違反了英國的任何移民法(例如在英國非法居住)broken any UK immigration laws (for example living illegally in the UK)

    如果您因以下原因而離開英國,可能會失去無限期的留用或進入的權利 (indefinite leave to remain or enter ):

    • more than 2 years at any time since you got it (you’ll need to apply for a Returning Resident visa)
    • more than 5 years if you have settled status
    • more than 4 years if you are a Swiss citizen, or the family member of a Swiss citizen, and you have settled status

    網址: https://www.gov.uk/apply-citizenship-indefinite-leave-to-remain


    當您申請了Settlement 後,在申請後的一年(第六年)就可以申請成為British Citizen。

    什麼簽證可與BNO Visa合計五年?

    根據BNO Visa的政府頁面,如果您已在英國持有特定簽證居住了一段時間,您可以使用BNO Visa簽證來加入5年的居住期內。

    If you’ve already spent time in the UK on one of the following visas this will count towards the 5 years:

    • Global Talent visa (or a Tier 1 Exceptional Talent visa)
    • Investor visa
    • Entrepreneur visa
    • Skilled Worker visa (or a Tier 2 General work visa)
    • Minister of Religion visa
    • Sportsperson visa
    • Representative of an Overseas Business visa
    • UK Ancestry visa

    Time spent on a Student visa (previously called a Tier 4 (General) student visa) or a Youth Mobility Scheme visa will not count.

    Top Tips for using the UK Immigration ID Check app



    如果英國政府拒絕您的簽證申請,他們會發給您一份拒絕通知。該通知單會列明拒絕的原因,並說明您的上訴權利。該通知也會建議您可向何處申請上訴。更多訊息可參閱網頁 (Appeal against a visa or immigration decision) 上訴指南



    網址: https://www.gov.uk/immigration-asylum-tribunal

    You have 28 days to appeal after you get your decision. If you have to leave the country before you’re allowed to appeal, you have 28 days to appeal once you’ve left the country.

    If you apply after the deadline, you must explain why – the tribunal will decide if it can still hear your appeal.

    You can appeal later if your administrative review was unsuccessful for a EU Settlement Scheme, frontier worker or S2 healthcare visitor application. Your administrative review decision will tell you how to appeal.

    Apply online if you can – online appeals are quicker than post or fax appeals.



    若您要諮詢一般性簽證問題,請利用此網站找到聯絡方法: https://www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-inside-outside-uk


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    英國政府有為其他簽證種類提供回答每條問題的指示。事實上,BNO VISA申請表的問題與其他簽證的問題類似,所以建議大家在填表時先參考這份文件,了解回答問題的指引及方向,以免在填表時誤解了問題的意思。



    vaf2 guidance1
    vaf2 guidance

    BNO Visa表格的問題及程序DEMO

    大家可以參考這位Youtuber的視頻,他的影片有提及申請BNO Visa表格的問題及程序。

    英國網上購買慳錢貼士 – 記得先用現金回贈網 購物時賺取Cashback

    如果您希望在英國購物時也可以享有現金回贈,我們建議您在兩個英國的最大的現金回贈網站 Quidco (按此前往) TopCashBack (按此前往) 登記成為免費會員,在購物時網現金回贈網購物以享有現金回贈(cashback)。您可以參考以下YouTube 片段的詳細教學,教您如果使用這兩個cashback網站,享用多間商店的購物現金回贈。這兩個英國的現金回贈網都是免費登記的,並可以將現金回贈轉帳到您的PayPal戶口或銀行戶口中。





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    BNO Visa教學 – 如何聯絡UKVI Resolution Centre及相關服務 按此前往 

    英國倫敦生活知識 – 認識倫敦區域/自治市 London Boroughs  按此前往 

    英國超市買餸購物車及實用輕便手拉車推介 – 英國購物指南  按此前往 

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    英國買野慳錢系列 – Qudico Cashback 教學 按此前往 

    英國TopCashBack 免費登記獎賞連結 按此前往 

    英國 Quidco 免費登記獎賞回贈連結 按此前往 

    如何在英國申請National Insurance Number – 流程教學及申請問題 按此前往 

    BNO Visa移民資訊 – 什麼是UK Public Funds? 按此前往 

    登記Wise (TransferWise) 進行快捷英鎊匯錢到香港轉帳 按此前往 

    BNO Visa 移民最新消息 – 申請要求、財政證明、移民路線  : 按此前往 

    英國網上睇租屋廣告時的Let Agreed代表什麼? 按此前往

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    移民英國 – 8 個超有用的英文學習資源 加強您的英文讀寫聽說及職場英語 按此前往 



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