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    英國Overcrowding Law 知識 - 英國租屋買樓法例

    英國Overcrowding Law 知識 – 英國租屋買樓法例:在英國 ,如果您住在一間被視為「overcrowded」的住宿環境/房屋中,屬於刑事罪行。BNO VISA 的申請指南也說明了您不能住在一間「overcrowded」的房屋中,否則將影響您的簽證。

    下圖是有關Housing Act 1985 – PART X OVERCROWDING的指引。

    Overcrowding 定義

    根據Housing Act 1985,當一個家庭居住的人數超過該屋的指標,包括the room standard 及 the space standard 最大的允許的數時。如果您違反了其中一個指標,即代表該住宿環境為過度擠擁(overcrowded) 。如觸犯此法例,將構成刑事犯罪 (criminal offence)。

    A dwelling is overcrowded for the purposes of this Part when the number of persons sleeping in the dwelling is such as to contravene—
    (a)the standard specified in section 325 (the room standard), or
    (b)the standard specified in section 326 (the space standard).


    • 英格蘭有關overcrowding的法例叫 Housing Act 1985。(按此前往)
    • 蘇格蘭有關overcrowding的法例叫 Housing (Scotland) Act 1987。(按此前往)

    The statutory overcrowding standard

    The statutory overcrowding standard 以兩個指標來計算: 

    1. The Room Standard
    2. The Space Standard

    The Room Standard

    The room standard 在同一間房間的睡覺人數和性別來決定。除了例外情況外,如果兩個異性在同一房間睡覺,即違反The room standard。

    The room standard例外情況包括:

    • 同居、已婚夫婦或以民事伴侶關係共同生活的異性,(married, in a civil partnership or living together) ,可以住在同一個房間,不會當作overcrowded;
    • 他們中的其中一個或兩個都在十歲以下 (one or both of them is under ten years old),即十歲以下的兒童在計算中可以忽略不計。

    • 所有客廳和臥室(可能包括一個大廚房)都包括在計算中。



    • 如果家庭有一個13歲的哥哥,及11歲的妹妹,兩人需要有獨立的房間,不能在同一個房間睡覺。
    • 如果家庭有一個1個13歲的哥哥,及11歲的哥哥,由於是相同性別,所以遵守了The Room Standard的要求。然而,仍然留意The Space Standard是可以容納兩人在同一房間睡覺。如果兩個條件均符合要求,就代表您的住宿環境不會構成overcrowded的情況。

    The Space Standard

    The space standard 是基於在特定大小的房間中可以睡覺的最大人數來決定。以下是3個重要的指標:

    • 房間的大小 the size of the room、
    • 該住宅有多少個睡房和客廳  the number of living rooms and bedrooms in the dwelling、及
    • 該房間使用人的年齡 the age of the occupants

    以下是The space standard 的計算方法

    方法一: The number specified in Table  in relation to the number of rooms in the dwelling available as sleeping accommodation

    人數2357 1/2每個房間兩人
    • 1個房間= 2人可以住在這裡
    • 2個房間= 3人可以住在這裡
    • 3個房間= 5人可以住在這裡
    • 4個房間= 可容納7.5人
    • 5個或更多房間=每個房間可容納2人。

    方法二: The aggregate for all such rooms in the dwelling of the numbers specified in column 2 of Table II in relation to each room of the floor area specified in column 1

    110 sq. ft. or more2
    90 sq. ft. or more but less than 110 sq.ft.
    70 sq. ft. or more but less than 90 sq. ft.1
    50 sq. ft. or more but less than 70 sq. ft.½

    *Floor area of each room in a dwelling (square feet)


    • 房間面積 Floor area 50-69平方英尺= 0.5人可以在那裡睡覺
    • 房間面積 Floor area 70-89平方英尺= 1人可以在那裡睡覺
    • 房間面積 Floor area90-109平方英尺= 1.5人可以在那裡睡覺
    • 房間面積 Floor area110平方英尺= 2人可以在那裡睡覺。


    • 一歲以下的兒童不計算在內
    • 一歲及十歲以下的兒童計為一半 (0.5 person)
    • 50平方英尺以下的房間不計算在內。


    根據Housing Act 1985

    The permitted number of persons in relation to a dwelling is whichever is the less of—

    (a)the number specified in Table I in relation to the number of rooms in the dwelling available as sleeping accommodation, and

    (b)the aggregate for all such rooms in the dwelling of the numbers specified in column 2 of Table II in relation to each room of the floor area specified in column 1

    No account shall be taken for the purposes of either Table of a room having a floor area of less than 50 square feet.

    例外情況和特殊情況 - 在什麼情況下可以容許overcrowded情況出現?

    • 自然成長 (Natural growth) – 如果您的一個孩子已經滿十歲,而您的家庭沒有任何其他改變,那麼就不會有overcrowd的情況。
    • 臨時overcrowd – 如果有朋友或親友臨時在您家住/睡覺少於16天, 則不當overcrowd處理。
    • Licensed overcrowding – 如果council 批准您的屋容許overcrowd, 就是Licensed overcrowding。但係必須有原因地向council申請。

    • 根據英格蘭Housing Act 1985 的 Section 329 有關 Exception; visiting member of family 部份,條例有以下例外情況的說明:

      Where the persons sleeping in an overcrowded dwelling include a member of the occupier’s family who does not live there but is sleeping there temporarily, the occupier is not guilty of an offence under section 327 (occupier causing or permitting overcrowding) unless the circumstances are such that he would be so guilty if that member of his family were not sleeping there.

      即是如果有親友臨時在您家住, 則不當overcrowd處理。


    •  根據蘇格蘭的 Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 的 Section 141 有關  Exception: temporary visitor 部份,條例有以下例外情況的說明:
       Exception: temporary visitor
      —The occupier of a house shall not be guilty of an offence under section 139(1) in respect of overcrowding if the overcrowding is caused by a temporary resident whose stay does not exceed 16 days and to whom lodging is given by the occupier otherwise than for gain.

      即是如果有朋友或親友臨時在您家住/睡覺少於16天, 而您沒有任何利益收入, 則不當overcrowd處理。

    「Do you think you are overcrowded?」單張

    Hertsmere Borough Council 出版了一份名為「Do you think you are overcrowded?」的單張。您也可以到此連結下載

    overcrowd - bno visa checklist
    overcrowding checklist - BNO Visa application

    其他計算方法 - The Bedroom Standard

    根據Shelter,許多地方當局 (local authorities) 在評估申請人是否overcrowded 時是使用 bedroom standard (臥室標準),為確保申請人在其社會住房分配計劃下有合理的偏好。

    The Allocations Code of Guidance 建議採用以下“bedroom standard”作為 overcrowding 的最低標準。

    一對成年夫婦 adult couple
    一位任何21歲以上的成年人 any other adult aged 21 or over
    兩個年齡在10至20歲之間的同性青少年 two adolescents of the same sex aged 10 to 20
    10歲以下的兩個孩子,不分性別 two children regardless of sex under the age of 10

    Household overcrowding by ethnicity

    根據 House of Common的文件 (按此下載),The table below breaks down overcrowding by specific ethnic groups. Overcrowding was more common in almost all minority ethnic households compared to White British households. Overcrowding was most common for Bangladeshi households (30% were overcrowded), Pakistani households (16%), and Black African households (15%).

    Overcrowd by ethnicity

    Notes: Figures are the average of the three years up to and including 2015/17.mA household’s ethnicity is based on the ethnicity of the ‘household reference person’: the person responsible for the accommodation, or the highest earner in cases of joint owners and tenants.


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