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    BNO Visa 資訊更新 - Applying for LOTR from within the UK

    (BNO Visa 1月26日 資訊更新) 今日英國政府在BNO頁加入了Applying for ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ from within the UK Section,主要係俾現在身處英國但現有簽證將會到期的BNO持有人在英國境內申請LOTR,即係不用出境再入境在border申請。不過內容都講明LOTR需要在1月31日前申請。如果在境內申請LOTR但在1月31日BNO Visa正式推出後仍沒有結果,英國政府會把款項退回給您 ,但您需要在收到退款後的12週內申請BNO Visa。




    Applying for ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ from within the UK

    • You can apply for ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ for a period of up to 6 months.
    • Once you’ve applied, you can stay in the UK on the terms of your existing immigration leave until your application is decided.
    • You’ll need to pay the ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ application fee.
    • You’ll need to pay the immigration health surcharge.
    • Once your ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ application had been granted, you and your dependants can: work and study
    • You cannot: get public funds


    • Due to coronavirus (COVID-19), it may take longer than normal for your application to be processed.
    • If a decision has not been made on your ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ application before the BNO visa opens for applications in January 2021, we will refund any fees or charges you have paid.
    • If you have made a valid application for ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ from within the UK and you’re eligible to apply for the BNO visa, you will receive an email by 14 February 2021 from the Home Office.

      This email will tell you:
    • your options around applying for the BNO visa how to get a refund if you choose to apply for the BNO visa
    • You can apply for a refund before or after you apply for the BNO visa. You will need to make your BNO visa application within 12 weeks of receiving your refund, after which your application for ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ will be invalid and you will not have permission to stay in the UK.

    To be considered for ‘LOTR’ in the UK, you’ll need to show:

    • your identity
    • your British national (overseas) status
    • that you normally live in Hong Kong or the UK
    • that you are currently residing in the UK
    • that you can accommodate and support yourself financially in the UK
    • You’ll also need to show evidence of any non-British national (overseas) dependants’ family links to you and you will need to show that they are currently in the UK with you.

      A dependant is any of the following:

    • spouse or civil partner
    • unmarried partner
    • child (under the age of 18 when they first applied)
    • adult child born on or after 1 July 1997 (and their partner or child under the age of 18) who normally lives with you
    • other family members in exceptional circumstances where there is a high level of dependency who normally live with you

    Currently in the UK

    To be eligible for ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ in-country, you will need to show that you are currently in the UK. You can prove you are currently in the UK by showing the evidence set out above in ‘Hong Kong or UK residence’.


    BNO 英國搵工教學 — 搵工前重要準備、增加面試機會、幫您成功搵工!


    英國資訊主頁: https://hkukhub.com/blog-page/

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